Wednesday, 16 December 2020

16 December 2020 Ofsted report says that Covid-19 isolation is having a detrimental effect on pupils' education and welfare

Ofsted has published its third report looking at the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on children and young people; inspectors carried out nearly 2000 visits to education and social care providers during the term

The main findings from its visits to schools show that repeated absences due to Covid-19 outbreaks have resulted in pupils losing more learning - many children are thought to be at least six months behind where they ought to be

In just over half of the schools visited, pupils in bubbles were sent home to self-isolate at some point during the term.  More children were sent home in bubbles from secondary schools than primaries

Inspectors found that schools were having to provide remote education under two circumstances: bubble isolation and individual isolation.  Many schools were making real progress with remote provision for bubbles, which often included live or pre-recorded online lessons.  However, pupils who were self-isolating often had a poorer experience, often missing out on the new content being taught to their peers in class

Inspectors also found that pupils with SEND often struggled with the restrictions placed on them, with many of them not attending school full-time and remote education being a challenge for some 

The report also reveals that the number of children being home schooled has risen again; almost three-fifths of schools told inspectors they had at least one pupil whose parents had removed them from school to be home educated since the start of term

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