Tuesday 8 September 2020

8 September 2020 Ofsted carrying out interim visits to schools

Ofsted will be visiting a sample of 1200 schools from 28 September to undertake interim visits - these are designed 'to support schools in their important work to welcome all pupils back full time'

The visits are not inspections and will not result in a judgement being passed on the school; Ofsted will publish a letter after a visit has taken place

Guidance has been published for the visits which says that, if there are concerns about safeguarding or leadership, inspectors can arrange to treat the visit as an NFD ( no formal designation) inspection

During the visits, inspectors will look at

- the barriers the school faces in managing the return to education

- how leaders are ensuring that pupils resume learning the school's curriculum, including the use of remote education and catch-up funding

- how pupils are settling back into expected routines and behaviour, including regular attendance

- how any identified issues relating to special educational needs, disabilities, health, care and wellbeing issues for specific groups of pupils are being addressed

- the school's safeguarding arrangements

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