Friday, 11 February 2022

4 February 2022 Government sets out plans for education in the 'Levelling up' white paper

As part of the 'Levelling up' white paper published this week, the government has pledged to ensure that 90% of pupils leave primary school by 2030 with the expected standard in reading, writing and mathematics

Other plans include

- targeted support for schools in new education investment areas (EIAs) 

- encouraging schools to run new 16 to 19 free schools, with priority given to EIAs

- consultation on moving schools with 'successive' requires improvement ratings into multi-academy trusts (MATs)

- a new national academy, available online, to 'stretch' pupils

- schools publishing mandatory food statements

- providing £5m for a new cooking curriculum

- setting up a pilot project to inspect food standards

- funding a reformed National Citizen Service for the next three years

- a clear vision for schools being in strong MATs - a schools white paper is expected to address the issue of schools structures