Friday, 23 April 2021

23 April 2021 Ofsted announce changes to inspections for the Summer term

Ofsted has announced a number of changes to inspections for schools in the Summer term - it will carry out some lighter touch inspections, with a return to graded inspections in the Autumn term

The changes include

- Ofsted will look at how the curriculum has been adapted and prioritised from September 2020

- It will not use teacher assessed grades from 2020 or 2021, but will consider externally published data, whilst being mindful of the age of it

- Ofsted says that inspectors will seek to understand how leaders supported the community throughout the pandemic

- Inspectors will also look at how the school ensured the best possible attendance for those pupils eligible to attend in person

- The impact of the pandemic cannot be the sole factor in an inadequate judgement

- Ofsted will be 'sympathetic' on schools' progress in implementing relationships education

- If inspectors are prevented from speaking to pupils during an inspection, safeguarding will be judged as ineffective

Friday, 16 April 2021

15 April 2021 DfE announces first lead schools for 'behaviour hubs' project

 The DfE has announced the names of the first 22 schools which will lead its behaviour hubs initiative

The behaviour hubs project aims to support 500 schools which struggle with poor discipline over the next three years; it will begin at the start of the Summer term

Lead schools and academy trusts will work closely with schools to diagnose what could be improved; they will also develop and launch new behaviour approaches and policies and provide ongoing mentoring and support

The behaviour hubs programme will run on a termly basis, with lead schools and MATs forming hubs with two different supported schools each term

The DfE said that the programme will expand next year, with further lead schools and MATs being appointed to support more schools