Following its visits to schools in the Autumn term, Ofsted has published the findings of some research, based on discussions with school leaders, on the role of multi-academy trusts (MATs) during the pandemic
School leaders valued a strong MAT-wide approach to managing risk assessment and planning, including the support provided to schools for managing social distancing, setting up 'bubbles' and reviewing safeguarding, attendance and behaviour policies
In most cases, this central support complemented local autonomy, so that school leaders could design policies suited to their own context. MATs also helped schools in practical ways, such as organising recruitment and sourcing PPE
MATs helped schools to develop their remote learning offer, source IT equipment and learning platforms as well as organising training. Some MATs supported schools with the curriculum, particularly through their subject networks and specialists
School leaders also said that they appreciated MATs monitoring and supporting the health and well-being of all staff